Sports Update

Welcome to the 2020 sporting year. Once again we are looking forward to a busy and successful year on the sporting fields.

We begin as usual in term 1 with all of our sports days. CYS sportsday will be held on Friday the 6th of March (Week 6). We will hold the javelin and triple jump on Wednesday the 26th of February and the Long Run will be held on Wednesday the 4th of March. The Primary Interschool will be held at Yorketown on the 26th of March (TBC) and the Secondary Interschool team will travel to Moonta on the 25th of March.
I have already spoken to students who are interested in the Cricket and Tennis SAPSASA State Championships as this year they will be held in week 8 of term 1. Interested students should have received information about trials. Please contact the school if your child has not received this and is interested in trialing for these events.
As usual, there will be more sporting opportunities throughout the year and information will be provided regarding these as they occur.

To the wonderful helpers that come out and help we will be asking for your help again this year so please contact me at

Let me know if there are any particular groups/students or events you would like to follow or help out with. If you are interested in joining the Sports Committee this year please let me know via email (see above) or via the school 88322613. The first meeting for this year will occur in week 3.

Jason Clifford | Sports Coordinator