CYS offers a range of diverse and challenging educational programs from Kindergarten through to Year 12.


CYS has extensive grounds including several hectares of school farm. Students from B-12 are involved in the farm, with primary students engaged in our Garden to Plate program and 7-12 students through Agriculture lessons and courses. The school employs two Ag teachers, a groundsman with farm upkeep responsibilities.


Performing Arts

The Central Yorke School community is extremely proud of our Performing Arts program. Our instrumental and vocal students perform in public to a wide variety of audiences across the state and participate successfully in competitions. Music concerts are highlights of the year.  The YP Combined Schools Concert Band is based at CYS and consistently receives high recognition at music eisteddfods, including the annual Balaklava Eisteddfod. Drama and Music are taught by specialist teachers from R-12. The Performing Arts are compulsory from Years Reception through 8 and are choice subject for senior students.



The South Australian Aboriginal Sports Training Academy (SAASTA) offers young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander South Australians a range of highly engaging learning and personal development opportunities. SAASTA builds on the education offered in our schools, giving students opportunities for ongoing personal growth and cultural experience. SAASTA provides Aboriginal school students with a unique sporting and educational program.


Sports and Outdoor Education

CYS has a comprehensive School Sport and Outdoor Education Program. Primary students have swimming lessons and the Splash swimming carnival, Cross Country, SAPSASA and class PE lessons. Secondary students have Aquatics Camps, Nine-a-side competitions, Knock Out sports, Interschool and the opportunity to take Outdoor Education as a SACE subject. All age groups have annual camps including Zoo Snooze, Woodhouse, Illawonga, Iron Knob and Canberra.



Special Program News

6/7 Performing Arts | Shadow Puppets

The 6/7 class are putting the finishing touches to their Balinese inspired shadow puppet plays in readiness for a performance …...

Primary Horses

Primary students visited the Ag block to work with the horses. They petted the horses, learned about animal safety and …...

Staff vs Student Volleyball Match

Last Thursday we held the traditional Staff vs Year 12 Volleyball Game in the School Gymnasium. It was a tense …...

Middle School Ag | Horse Care Unit

The Middle School Agriculture Horse Care unit began Monday with our guest presenter Sheree Brennan bringing in Jack and Hunter …...

Primary Ag | Garden to Plate

Week 1 Garden to Plate saw the primary students transplanting tomato plants, using our vegetables to make chow mein and …...

Royal Adelaide Show | Led Steer Competition 2023

The led Steer team Tyler Cook Annabelle Smart Nicholas Heinrich Sophie Davies Mitchell Brook Bella Chapman Louis Hamilton Tahlia Buck …...

Royal Adelaide Show | Led Wether Goat Competition 2023

A total of 246 goats from 30 schools took part in this year’s competition. Our Year 9 Team: Maggie Moore …...

Stage 1 & 2 Nutrition Aquaponics Excursion

The Stage 1 and Stage 2 Nutrition classes include several students from Ardrossan Area School. To help these students and …...

Festival of Music

The Adelaide Festival Theatre stage was home to over 500 students from 20 different schools on Tuesday September 19 as …...

YP School Sport

Congratulations to all those students who have represented CYS at sporting events of late. YP Zone Year 7-9 Girls Knockout …...

SAASTA Connect Workshop

The SAASTA Connect students were involved in a workshop on Wednesday September 27, run by SAASTA and Port Adelaide. We …...

Garden to Plate Update

Week 7 In Week 7 the Primary classes cooked Anzac biscuits. The students learnt about how we are using our …...

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