• Early Learning Centre

    Rural Care, Kindy, school transition, polices, communications and information

  • Point Pearce Campus

    R-2 class, Rural Care, Kindy, Maitland Campus transition, polices, communications and information

  • Primary R-5

    Primary R-5 curriculum, programs, policies, communications, staff and Information

  • Secondary 6-12

    Secondary 6-12 curriculum, special programs, SACE, policies, communications, staff and Information

Welcome to Central Yorke School

Welcome to Central Yorke School, a B-12 multi-campus public school located in Maitland and Point Pearce on Central Yorke Peninsula, South Australia.

Central Yorke School was created in 2017 following the amalgamation of Maitland Area School, Point Pearce Aboriginal School and the Maitland Preschool centre. The Maitland Campus features a B-12 area school with facilities including an Early Learning Centre, a school farm, a Performing Arts Centre, Recreation Centre, school swimming pool, extensive ovals and nature play area, and specialist areas for ICT, Design & Technology, Home Economics and Visual Arts. The Point Pearce campus features an open-plan R-2 teaching area, Early Learning Centre and TAFE centre.

CYS continues the fine traditions of its amalgamated schools with a K-12 Agricultural Program, the SAASTA Aboriginal Sports Program, the CYS Festival Choir, the YP Combined Schools Concert Band, Instrumental Music Programs, extensive SAPSASA and Knock-Out sports programs and a focus on 21st Century learning.

Year amalgamated
Number of teaching & support staff

Principal's Welcome

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Central Yorke School.

As a school community we pride ourselves on providing a supportive and inclusive learning environment where staff are committed and passionate about providing a memorable experience for all students.

As a Birth to Year 12 school, we provide continuity of quality learning. We take the time to get to know our students and provide meaningful personalised learning for every student, and we nurture and support learning across our four unique sub-schools

Maitland Campus Early Learning Centre (Birth to 5 years of age)
Point Pearce Campus (Birth to Year 2)
Maitland Campus Primary School (Reception to Year 6)
Maitland Campus Secondary School (Year 7 to Year 12)

Rob Jeffries (Principal)