Sporting News Update

Term one is set to be a busy one with sporting opportunities for all our students here at Central Yorke School. During week two we saw the R-6 students enjoy their swimming lessons in the beautiful sunny weather and preparations are under way for this year’s sports day.

House Captains 2018

Last week house captains for both secondary and primary were elected by their peers. All captains were selected by a voting process which saw the students vote for who they thought delivered the best speeches and would be the best house captain for each house. Congratulations to:

  • Spencer Secondary: Frankie Wanganeen and Krystal Masclet
  • Spencer Primary: Nicholas Heinrich and Ella Wheare
  • Vincent Secondary: Tyson Reid and Tiana Short
  • Vincent Primary: Jett Hasting and Taylor Davies


CYS Sports Day will be held on Friday the 9th of March. Make sure to call all family members and let them know that the big day is upon us and for them to pencil it in their diaries!
This year we are hoping for a fierce competition with the two houses battling it out for the cup. Look out for some minor changes to this year’s program including some competitive team games. Students have begun training for these events and will decide on their events soon. To the wonderful helpers that come out we will be asking for your help again this year so please contact:
Jason Clifford at If you would like to join the productive sports committee at CYS, please let me know.

Interschool Athletics

Following on from sports day, CYS are also hosting the secondary and primary interschool meets this year. The secondary interschool will be held in week 9, Monday the 26th of march. The primary interschool will follow in week 10, Thursday the 5th of April.  I will be on the lookout for parent help during these events so please let me know if you are interested. The state track and field championships at Mile End for years 8 – 12 students will be on Tuesday the 10th of April, Week 11. I am looking forward to seeing plenty of CYS students representing our school in the Yorke Peninsula team.

Other Term 1 Events

On Monday the 19th and Tuesday the 20th of February (week 4) the year 9/10’s will be heading on an aquatics camp to Port Vincent. This will give them the opportunity to be involved in a variety of water activities including kayaking, windsurfing, sailing, kneeboarding and snorkelling.  Also in week 4 the R-6 students will be enjoying sometime in the pool with the all important SPLASH Carnival which will be held on the 20th of February from 12:30 until 3pm. SAPSASA cricket and tennis dates are yet to be confirmed but parents and students will be informed as soon as we know the dates for these.