SAASTA Overview

The South Australian Aboriginal Sports Training Academy (SAASTA) offers young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander South Australians a range of highly engaging learning and personal development opportunities. SAASTA builds on the education offered in our schools, giving students opportunities for ongoing personal growth and cultural experience. SAASTA provides Aboriginal school students with a unique sporting and educational program.

SAASTA is available to both male and female students in years 10, 11 and 12 who are studying the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). While sport and recreation play a major role, our academies do not only cater for the sporting elite. Enrolment is open to any Aboriginal student who is committed and passionate about pursuing success in education and building a strong foundation for their future.

Every academy student is encouraged to aim high and to raise the bar of expectation they place on themselves and their peers, particularly in the areas of attendance, participation, educational performance and behaviour. Because of this approach academy students are widely considered as role models for their schools, families and communities.

SAASTA Study Program

Once enrolled, academy students typically study two academy-developed SACE subjects per year; each subject is developed specifically for our students and contributes towards the successful completion of the SACE. Our SACE subjects are delivered in a structured and highly supported academy classroom environment by SAASTA teachers, tutors and relevant industry experts.

Our SAASTA Academy at Central Yorke School is held with high regard within our local community. Each year we have a high volume of applicants applying for the program. Student applicants must complete a formal interview with the SAASTA Coordinator and their parents before being considered for the program.

Consideration of the previous year’s attendance, behaviour and academic success can also play a role in weather or not a student is selected in the final team of 20. As we are a cluster Academy we comprise of students from not only our site but from Kadina Memorial, Moonta Area School and Ardrossan Area school not only does this add to the competitiveness of gaining entry it also allows our students to connect with other Indigenous students throughout the Peninsula. Once in the team, students must maintain the SAASTA Key Performance Indicators to keep their place in the team as well as gain their invitations to such events as the Aboriginal Power Cup and the SAASTA Shield event.

SAASTA Academy Performance Indicators

Academy students are also required to wear the SAASTA uniform correctly and with pride at all times. Throughout a day in SAASTA all students are required to complete a curriculum based task which is then marked by a steering panel in Adelaide. These tasks along with attendance summaries contribute to our team’s points and eligibility into grand finals. Students are also exposed to specialised training within the sports academy as well as important cultural tasks which play a vital part of keeping the Aboriginal culture alive as well as helping students identify who they are and how they belong.



SAASTA Power Cup Success

We are proud to announce that the Central Yorke Academy has won the curriculum excellence award for 2024 for handing …...

SAASTA Connect Workshop

The SAASTA Connect students were involved in a workshop on Wednesday September 27, run by SAASTA and Port Adelaide. We …...

SAASTA Connect | Reconciliation Week Activities

Central Yorke’s SAASTA Connect academy planned and organised a variety of cultural activities for their middle school peers for National …...

Power Cup 2023

The students from Central Yorke School are showcasing their skills and sportsmanship at the Aboriginal Power Cup. The team spent …...


Hard work and effort in Semester 2 again paid off when the team won the SAASTA Shield. This three day …...

SAASTA ACE Block | Day 2 & 3

The SAASTA Team have finished their Career Exploration week in Adelaide . Over Thursday and Friday the students experienced being …...

SAATSA ACE Block Week (Day 1)

The SAASTA Team are currently in Adelaide with Mrs Stutley for Career Exploration week. The group started the block settling …...

SAASTA Aboriginal Careers Exploration Week

In Week 5 of this term, the Year 10 SAASTA students travelled to Adelaide for the week to involve themselves …...

SAASTA Aboriginal Power Cup

Students from Central Yorke Academy recently competed in the annual SAASTA Aboriginal Power Cup – and what a week they …...

SAASTA Power Cup Visit

On Wednesday 13th April representatives of Power Community Limited, the community development arm of the Port Adelaide Football Club, visited …...