This year we began our preparations for Book Week at the end of Term 3. Each student was given a mask to decorate. These were left at school ready for our Assembly on Wednesday October 14.
Each class selected a book from the short-listed titles we had and then participated in activities based around the book chosen by their teacher.
Our Early Learning Centre selected the book ‘We’re Stuck!’ By Sue deGennaro and they showed the hats they had made while explaining the story.
While the Point Pearce campus could not join us this year they did activities on the book ‘Wilam: A Birrarung Story’ by Aunty Joy Murphy and Andrew Kelly.
The Reception students chose the book ‘When Billy was a Dog’ by Kirsty Murray and they spoke about the story and showed the pictures they had drawn of a dog.
Year One students had ‘Goodbye House, Hello House’ by Margaret Wild and they showed us the houses they had drawn.
Mrs Allen’s Year Two students did activities around lighthouses and for the assembly they read some of their poems inspired by the book ‘Hello Lighthouse’ by Sophie Blackall.
Ms Nixon’s Year 3/4 students looked at ‘Searching for Cicadas’ by Lesley Gibbs. The pictures they showed were very colourful – showing the cicadas in nature.
Ms McEvoy’s class did activities around ‘Louie and Snippy Save the Sea’ by Grant Cowan and while we did not see their dioramas at assembly we did see the wonderful posters encouraging people not to pollute the sea.
Ms Stewart’s class read ‘A Hollow is a Home’ by Abbie Mitchell. They spoke about the tree audit they did around the school and what types of hollows they found in the trees. This information was recorded on posters which were displayed at assembly.
Costume parade
The parade of costumes and then masks saw the students have a fun time dancing to the tracks chosen by Mr Tuck.
The following students received a book voucher for their costume:
- ELC: Chloe
- Pt Pearce Campus: Edward
- Reception: Tiarna
- Year 1: Imogen
- Year 3/4: Alice
- Year 5/6A: Jordy
- Year 5/6B: Lucy
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