The Year 9 class finished their year on a high with their two-day aquatics camp in Week 8. The cohort, accompanied by Mr Baker and Miss Smith, travelled to Berry Bay on Thursday where they spent the day surfing. Considering the majority of the class had never surfed before, the students persevered to stand up by the end of the day. Some students were treated to a visit by a pod of dolphins who swam up to their boards.
On Thursday night the students stayed at the Port Vincent Primary School, a new bunkhouse established by the Caravan Park, where they enjoyed the games room, basketball courts, and a swim at the local pontoon.
On Friday, the students enjoyed stand up paddleboarding, sailing, and kneeboarding. The boys’ group enjoyed having a swim while Shorty snorkeled for blue swimmer crabs. Both Mr Baker and Miss Smith were impressed by the students’ outstanding behaviour and participation.