Christmas On the Green 2022

With persistent rains in the preceding weeks, the 2022 Christmas On the Green was moved from the green of the very damp Primary Oval to the less squelchy green of the soccer pitch and Performing Arts Centre.

The evening open at 6.30pm with stalls selling food, drinks, lucky dips, and homemade produce. The enthusiastic crowd was entertained by the CYS Band performing Christmas songs under the PAC verandah.

The Festival Choir opened the concert with a selection of cheery Christmas hits then the Year 2’s took to the stage dressed as pine trees who really wanted to be Christmas Trees. The R/1 class sang ‘Little Donkey’ and told the Nativity story and the ELC performed the ‘Dance of the Snowflakes’, dressed as snowflakes and waving transparent balloons. The Year 3 class sang a ‘Christmas Cracker rap song and told jokes while the 5/6’s performed ‘Christmas at Mulpginddup’ complete with shearers, roustabouts, bushrangers and a plum-pudding carrying swagman. The Year 3/4 class sang and performed a song about Paper Chains and managed to bury their teacher ‘Miss Roenfelddt’ under a huge pile.

In between class acts the CYS Christmas Carollers sang with Santa finishing up the evening with a spectacular arrival in the school ute supported by his Christmas elves.