Last week, six Central Yorke students participated in the SAPSASA Hockey Carnival in Adelaide. It was a competitive, fun week which allowed players to gain skill development and practice teamwork and sportsmanship. Orlando Reddin, Hugh Crawford and Harrison Geater-Johnson were part of the Boys team who played very strong competition and achieved 5th position.

Macy Poole, Annabelle Smart and Ashlee Radford played in the Girls team who drew in 1st place with two other teams.  It is a fantastic achievement to earn 1st place amongst a very strong competition. Outstanding! The team were acknowledged at the presentation ceremony.

Thank you to all the parents and caregivers for your support and dedication. Special mention goes to our strong and skilful year 7 players Macy and Orlando, who completed their last year of SAPSASA selection.  Macy showed fantastic leadership skills and lifted the team with her game knowledge and skill. Orlando, being very coach-able and keen, also showed his great skill and ability, adding to his teams success.  Well done!