Point Pearce Campus
Carclew Artist in Residency Program
This week, we celebrated the conclusion of our Carclew ‘Artist in Residency Program’ with Sonya Rankine. Sonya shared the final …...
Point Pearce Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park Camp
The Point Pearce R-2 class had a deadly time on their school camp at Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park. Nharangga Park …...
Beanz Production Roundup
After a term and a half of rehearsals it was wonderful to see how the who production cast shone on …...
Point Pearce Term 4 Update
The R-2 class had a brilliant time working with Aunty Sonya as part of the Carclew Artist in Residence Program. …...
Term 4 Update
Welcome to Term 4, everyone. There are a number of big events coming this term: Christmas on the Green, the …...