Carclew Artist in Residency Program

This week, we celebrated the conclusion of our Carclew ‘Artist in Residency Program’ with Sonya Rankine. Sonya shared the final …...

Point Pearce Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park Camp

The Point Pearce R-2 class had a deadly time on their school camp at Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park. Nharangga Park …...

Beanz Production Roundup

After a term and a half of rehearsals it was wonderful to see how the who production cast shone on …...

Point Pearce Term 4 Update

The R-2 class had a brilliant time working with Aunty Sonya as part of the Carclew Artist in Residence Program. …...

Term 4 Update

Welcome to Term 4, everyone. There are a number of big events coming this term: Christmas on the Green, the …...