Outdoor Education & Camps
Point Pearce Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park Camp
The Point Pearce R-2 class had a deadly time on their school camp at Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park. Nharangga Park …...
Stage 1 Outdoor Ed | Deep Creek Hike
Miss Downard’s Stage One Outdoor Education class packed their rucksacks and headed off to the Deep Creek National Park on …...
Garden to Plate | Term 2 Update
The Garden to Plate classes have been busy this term preserving beetroot, using carrots for bun-bowls, putting up hose reels, planting …...
Year 7/8 Aquatics Camp
On Monday Feb 20, the Year 7/8 students travelled to Port Vincent for two days of aquatics activities. Activities included …...
3/4 Woodhouse Camp
The Year 3/4 students travelled to Woodhouse for three days of camping and outdoor activities. They took part in team …...