Reception STEM | Royal Crowns!

The Receptions investigated crowns this week in STEM and decided they were most useful for telling if someone was a …...

1 STEM | Alpaca Enclosures

We revisited the Ag Block this week to see what else is in the alpaca enclosure to help keep them …...

4/5 STEM Semaphore Flags

In 4/5 STEM we’ve been studying signals and codes. We have made our own Semaphore flags and will be trying …...

2/3 STEM | Fossil Casts

The 2/3 students have been learning about fossils in STEM. We created our own fossil casts by filling fossil shaped …...

R/1 STEM | Transparent & Opaque Materials

The R/1 students are learning about transparent, translucent and opaque materials. Last week they made their own opaque shadow puppets...

2/3 STEM | Breadboarding

The 2/3 Class were introduced to ‘breadboarding’ this week to make the assembly of their LED circuits simpler. The breadboard …...

R-1 STEM | Transparency Toys

The JP STEM students are investigating transparent, translucent and opaque materials. This week we made Halloween and underwater scenes by …...

2/3 STEM | BeeBot Treasure Hunts

Our Year 2/3 students are now creating their own Beebot programs and recording the steps using flashcards. They are looking …...

2/3 STEM | BeeBot Programming

How good are Eva and Charlotte – they programmed their BeeBot to deliver toy cars to every one of the …...

Special Person’s Day

The Junior Primary students together with the Kindy and Occasional Care children invited the ‘special people’ in their lives to …...