Student Teachers

CYS welcomes Foster Meske and Jordan Rafferty the first of our 2024 student teachers...

Staff Professional Development

The R-12 teaching staff worked with Dr Matt Capp from ‘Capitalise Education’ last Thursday. Dr Capp ran workshop sessions on …...

Monica Turner Farewell

Monica has been driving our school buses for nearly 40 years and so it was with great sadness we farewelled …...

Monica Turner Farewell

Monica has been driving our school buses for nearly 40 years and so it was with great sadness we farewelled …...

Presentation NIght 2023

Thank you to all the donors, presenters, staff and families involved. Congratulations to all our student, parent and staff recipients...

Minister’s Visit

It was a pleasure to host a visit from Blair Boyle, Minister for Education, Training and Skills last week. Mr …...

Pool Safety Certification

The Department for Education has issued new guidelines for pool supervisors so staff updated their credentials with an intensive training …...

YPCT | New Principal news item

Great article in the YPCT about our new principal Rob Jeffries.   A new principal will lead Central Yorke School …...

Staff vs Student Volleyball Match

Last Thursday we held the traditional Staff vs Year 12 Volleyball Game in the School Gymnasium. It was a tense …...

Teaching Award – Jaynelle Le Feuvre

Congratulations to Jaynelle Le Feuvre, who has received a national CBA Teaching Award fellowship. Jaynelle has been recognised for the …...