Welcome to the Central Yorke School R-5 Primary

The CYS Primary School is located in the southern wing of the main Maitland Campus. Our Junior Primary classrooms are adjacent and connected to the Early Learning Centre for ease of transition and shared programs. Students enjoy small class sizes, extensive facilities including nature play areas, gymnasium, Performing Arts Centre and specialist teachers in Music, Drama and Dance. The Primary Head of School is Chelsea Schmidt. 


R-5 Parent Circulars

R-5 Videos

2023 Showcase Concert
Thank you to everyone who helped make our 2023 Showcase Concert such as success and well done ...
3/4 STEM Tunnel Challenge
Last week the 3/4 Class made cardboard tunnels. This week they tested the tunnels in the ...

R-5 News

Remembrance Day 2023

At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, we paused to mark the 105th anniversary of …...

What Matters To Me | W&C Hospital Art Display

CYS students’ artwork is featured in a new display at the Women’s & Children’s Hospital in Adelaide. The artwork is …...

Showcase Concert 2023 | Band Awards

Congratulations to all our soloists and ensemble groups for your outstanding playing at the Showcase Concert. Special congratulations go to …...

Showcase Concert Vocal Awards

Congratulations to all our choir and vocal ensemble members for your outstanding performances at the Showcase Concert. Special congratulations to …...

Pool Safety Certification

The Department for Education has issued new guidelines for pool supervisors so staff updated their credentials with an intensive training …...

YPCT | New Principal news item

Great article in the YPCT about our new principal Rob Jeffries.   A new principal will lead Central Yorke School …...

Primary Horses

Primary students visited the Ag block to work with the horses. They petted the horses, learned about animal safety and …...

Primary Assembly | Week 3

Congratulations to our Merit Card and Birthday Card recipients this week. Well done also to the Eagles, who extended their …...

R/1 STEM | Transparent & Opaque Materials

The R/1 students are learning about transparent, translucent and opaque materials. Last week they made their own opaque shadow puppets...

Year 12 Farewell Assembly

We said a fond farewell to our 2023 Year 12 Class at the whole school assembly on Friday, November 3. …...