CYS offers a range of diverse and challenging educational programs from Kindergarten through to Year 12.


CYS has extensive grounds including several hectares of school farm. Students from B-12 are involved in the farm, with primary students engaged in our Garden to Plate program and 7-12 students through Agriculture lessons and courses. The school employs two Ag teachers, a groundsman with farm upkeep responsibilities.


Performing Arts

The Central Yorke School community is extremely proud of our Performing Arts program. Our instrumental and vocal students perform in public to a wide variety of audiences across the state and participate successfully in competitions. Music concerts are highlights of the year.  The YP Combined Schools Concert Band is based at CYS and consistently receives high recognition at music eisteddfods, including the annual Balaklava Eisteddfod. Drama and Music are taught by specialist teachers from R-12. The Performing Arts are compulsory from Years Reception through 8 and are choice subject for senior students.



The South Australian Aboriginal Sports Training Academy (SAASTA) offers young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander South Australians a range of highly engaging learning and personal development opportunities. SAASTA builds on the education offered in our schools, giving students opportunities for ongoing personal growth and cultural experience. SAASTA provides Aboriginal school students with a unique sporting and educational program.


Sports and Outdoor Education

CYS has a comprehensive School Sport and Outdoor Education Program. Primary students have swimming lessons and the Splash swimming carnival, Cross Country, SAPSASA and class PE lessons. Secondary students have Aquatics Camps, Nine-a-side competitions, Knock Out sports, Interschool and the opportunity to take Outdoor Education as a SACE subject. All age groups have annual camps including Zoo Snooze, Woodhouse, Illawonga, Iron Knob and Canberra.



Special Program News

Reception Music | Rudolph

The Receptions are learning to sing “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”. We practised singing with our puppets as the music …...

Reception Drama | Elf on the Shelf

The Receptions put the class ‘Elf on Shelves’ in various places around the classroom on Thursday in our Drama lesson. …...

SAASTA Team of the Year Award

We are beyond thrilled to announce that the Central Yorke School SAASTA Academy has won the “Team of the year …...

Music at the Burgh, 2024

The band completed their YP Tour with a concert at the Light Church in Edithburgh with an enthusiastic crowd enjoying …...

2024 Band & Vocal Ensemble Tour

The Concert Band and Vocal Ensemble travelled to local schools on Wednesday, November 20 for the 2024 YP Band Tour. …...

SYP Cricket Representation

All the best to Harry Moore who is representing the SYP at SAPSASA Cricket from Monday through till Wednesday this …...

7/8 Ag | Wool Scouring

Students were asked to scour (clean) a sample of wool straight from the sheep. This simulates the first step in …...

9 Drama | 5 Minute Mysteries

Mr Sharp is taking the Year 9 Performing Arts class while Mr Tuck is on Long Service Leave for the …...

Beanz Update

Our 2024 school musical is ‘Beanz’, a new retelling of the classic ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ story. The Story ‘Beanz’ …...

Beanz Production Roundup

After a term and a half of rehearsals it was wonderful to see how the who production cast shone on …...

Gabble, Hiss Honk!

We had a great time performing on stage for the school production of ‘Beanz’. We were the Giant’s Guard Geese, …...

10 Ag Farm Safety

In Year 10 Ag, the students are undertaking their farm hazards and tractor unit as part of their agriculture subject. …...

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