I would publicly like to congratulate our students on some amazing achievements over the holidays.
- Jess Baker was our Dux and received an ATAR score of 94.1 This is a huge achievement for any Year 12 student. Jess’s work ethic in 2020 was second to none. She was the epitome of hard work and I was in awe of how she handled Year 12 in a year where everything was uncertain.
- Sophie Heinrich was recipient of the Young Australian of the Year Award for 2021. Her role within the school as Prefect and fundraising efforts has seen her act as a role model for our younger students. Sophie has worked tirelessly juggling full time study and her role and I cannot think of anyone else who deserved this accolade more.
- Lucy Allen, Matilda Palin, and Isis Schulte won the 2020 Governor’s Civics awards for schools. They were awarded this on Proclamation Day at the Old Gum Tree in Glenelg by the Governor of South Australia Heiu Van Le. They also have an invitation to Government House for an afternoon tea in their honour. Isis Schulte was also the first indigenous recipient of this award.
- Bella Chapman was selected for the Under 15 Girls State Hockey Team and is now preparing for the National Tournament.
These achievements show the growth our school has had in the past 5 years. Our students are no longer competing and achieving against the best in Maitland, but achieving prestigious awards amongst the best in South Australia