Term 2 Teaching & Learning

It’s already Week 3 and it still felt like that yesterday we were returning to school. I can honestly say that we have hit the ground running. There are lots of activities that are coming up in the next couple of weeks that give our students learning opportunities that consist of more than writing notes and preparing for a test.

It has been amazing to walk the halls of the school and look at the learning that is going on within our classrooms. If you look at our Facebook page you will be able to see the wide range of learning our students are doing both inside and outside of the classrooms.

Our teachers are always looking at ways to develop themselves and engage our students. Staff meetings have been focussing on Site Improvement and measuring impact as the driver for change in regards to students achieving the highest possible outcomes. If you are interested in your child’s learning and want to know more, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher and I am sure they will be able to answer any questions you may have.