Term 4 Update

Welcome to Term 4, everyone. There are a number of big events coming this term: Christmas on the Green, the End-of-Year Assembly, Year 12 Farewells, and class camps, just to name a few.


I thoroughly enjoyed my first-ever Central Yorke School production, and I was excited to be on stage with the other staff and students in what turned out to be a fantastic show.

The Wednesday matinee and Thursday night’s performance were amazing spectacles, and as you can imagine, we had a very tired cast and crew ready for a well-deserved break. I appreciate all the planning and preparation that go into such a huge event.

Thanks again to Tim, Di, and all the staff who contributed to the success of the event. It was truly rewarding to see everything come together. Thank you to all our friends, family, and community members who came out to support the staff and students.

Special presentation

For those of you who were unable to make it to our finale, we had a surprise for Mr. Tuck on the night.

I proudly announced that the PAC was to be renamed the ‘Tim Tuck Performing Arts Centre.’ This is a huge honour and a testament to all of Mr. Tuck’s hard work and dedication to Central Yorke School over many decades.

I would like to thank the CYS Governing Council for nominating this proposal and all the staff who worked to make it happen.

Congratulations once again, Tim!

PAT Data Presentation

This term, we also hosted Ella Blake, Project Officer from the Department of Education, who presented on PAT data interpretation and its usage in planning for teaching and learning.

The key points were diagnostic in nature, with a PAT R focus.  Staff looked at examples of questions, how to read the different report types, and how to link them to the teaching resources centre for areas of student improvement.

A huge thank you to all the staff who steadily worked through the PAT testing. The data allowed staff to identify trends in year-level groups where there may have been deficiencies in cohorts. Staff will be using this data, along with other data collected in learning tasks, to plan and program for the remainder of this year and into 2025.

Student Absences

As we approach the end of the school year, it is crucial that all student absences are explained. Please ensure that if your child is absent from school, you contact the front office staff to inform them of your child’s absence.

Presentation Night

Presentation Night is on Tuesday December 10 this year. If you’d like to contribute to the Awards Scheme for 2024, please complete the form near the end of the newsletter.  This scheme has been successful in the past because of the support we have received from parents and the wider community and all donations are hugely appreciated.

An uncomfortable challenge

This term, the SRC team decided to create a group for Nedd Brockmann’s ‘Uncomfortable Challenge.’

One of the main themes of this challenge is building resilience, and since resilience is one of our school values, the SRC thought it was a perfect fit! It has been great to see many staff and students involved in doing something that makes them ‘uncomfortable’ and building their resilience while raising funds for a great cause.

Classes for 2025

I am in the final stages of organizing staffing and classes for 2025. It will be an exciting year with several new opportunities and exciting changes on the horizon. As a school, we will be looking to further strengthen our connections with the community.

Have a great Term 4, everyone