Meet the Teacher 2019

We look forward to ‘Meet the Teacher’ Evening on Tuesday 5th February 2019. Teachers will be in their classrooms from 6pm – 7pm. Specialist teachers without a home class will make themselves available within the allocations to secondary class meetings for introductions.

This will be a great opportunity to view students’ classrooms and get to know the class teachers. As well as being available to answer questions, each teacher will be speaking about class routines and goals for 2019 at the following times for approximately 10 minutes. A complimentary sausage sizzle will be available on the evening from 6 pm

6pm Year 1/2 Emma Westbrook [JP
6pm Reception Sarah Atkins & Courtney Dayman [JP]
6pm Year 1 Emma Westbrook [JP]
6pm Year 11/12 Shayla Vince [Senior suite]
6:15pm Year 2/3 Anna Allen [P4]
6:15pm Year 9 Luke Trenordan [S3]
6:30pm Year 10 Jason Clifford [S4]
6:30pm Year 5 Jon Sharp [P16]
6:30pm Year 5 Nick Jury & Courtney Dayman [P2]
6:30pm Year 6 Hannah Clift [P2]
6:45pm Year 4 Linda Bubner [P3]
6:45pm Year 7 Jaynelle LeFeuvre & Will Baker [S6]
6:45pm Year 8 Sarah Townsend [S5]

Categories: News, Special Events