It has been exciting time for the Early Years children and staff at Central Yorke School, with the Reception children having timetabled lessons on a Wednesday from 11.30-1.30 in the ELC.
Developing relationships
The purpose of sharing our learning spaces is to ensure there is continuity of learning across the early years through teachers implementing common pedagogies and the development of relationships. These two elements support children in their transition to school as relationships are formed before they commence formal transition and the teaching and learning compliments and builds onto what children have been doing in the preschool and rural care programs. Therefore, making transition seamless and less overwhelming for children as they have a strong foundation in developing their sense of belonging.
Demonstrating learning
Reception students and ELC children have embraced the opportunity to co-construct their knowledge and demonstrate their learning in a variety of learning experiences. These include, STEM opportunities (hot glue guns, hammering, tinkering, construction, inquiry table), literacy (story-table, bookmaking), messy maths (sand-pit, mud-kitchen, loose parts, nature play) and Art.
Music Workshop
Recently all Early Years teachers attended a Music Workshop conducted by the Music Strategy team. As a team we decided that our learning from this workshop would form the basis as one of our common pedagogies across the early years.
The workshop highlighted the importance of music, rhythm and rhyme in developing children’s phonological awareness and their ability to read. Both children and educators have enjoyed the songs and games we have bought back to share.
We will continue our shared learning time around our formal transition visits in term 4.
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