The Book Week theme this year was ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’ and congratulations go to all the staff and students who dressed up on Thursday.
The Primary staff looked great in their ‘Other World’ costumes from the Little Miss and Mr Men books while the ELC staff costumes featured parrots, Harry Potter and the Cat In the Hat (to list just a few!)
You can read almost anywhere…
The Assembly started with the world premier of a specially written Book Week song featuring all the ‘Reading In an Unusual Place’ photos that have been taken over the past month. The 5/6 class and our ACEO Sonya then retold the story of Buthera’s Rock using drawings and photographs.
Next up it was each class’s turn to present an item highlighting a short-listed book for 2021.
Point Pearce chose No! Never! by Libby Hathorn & Lisa Hathorn-Jarman and this book won the Book of the Year: Early Childhood category. The students showed their drawings based on the book.
The Early Learning Centre chose Busy Beaks by Sarah Allen and the students showed their paintings of a parrot.
The Learning Hub videoed the students talking about Ribbit Rabbit Robot by Sofya Karmazina. Mrs Webb’s R/1 Class did There’s No such Thing by Heidi McKinnon. Each student showed the first letter of their name decorated as a monster.
Ms Whittaker’s 1/2 class did Norton and the Bear by Gabriel Evans. Each student showed their bear.
Ms Kotz’s 2/3 class did Your Birthday was the Best! by Maggie Hutchings & Felicita Sala which was an Honour Book. They recreated the book using their own drawings and then videoed a student reading their version. Mrs Westbrook and Mr Wiley’s 4/5 class did The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Dangerous Animals by Sami Bayly which was also an Honour Book. Each student chose a dangerous animal and showed its picture before reading some information about the animal.
Ms Nixon’s 5/6 class completed the class presentations with Shirley Purdie: My Story, Ngaginybe Jarragbe by Shirley Purdie.
SRC students had earlier chosen their picks for the best costumes. The winners were:
- Pt Pearce- Liarna
- R/1 Webb- Liam
- 1/2 Whittaker- Chelsea
- 3/4 Kotz- Cameron
- 4/5 Westbrook/Wiley- Jamila
- 5/6 Nixon- Isis
- Teachers- Ms Kotz
Prizes were also awarded for our special photograph competition. Four students won for their photographs taken at home and two for their creative choice of school photograph.
- Annabel (H)
- Olivia (H)
- Owen (H)
- Spencer (H)
- Katrina (S)
- Jethro (S)
Ms Kotz organised a ‘Guess Who the Teacher Is’ competition with Jethro, Olivia, Natayah and Tiarna as the overall winners.
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