As part of Central Yorke School’s commitment to build our students understanding of post school pathways, the Year 11/12 students went on a 3-day Pathways camp to Adelaide late last term.
Students were provided the opportunity to visit and experience key South Australian Tertiary Education facilities. On the first day, students visited the University of South Australia and attended a presentation on University entrance and pathways, which included a tour of the City West Campus. Students then travelled to Adelaide University, where a student ambassador gave our students a tour of the campus facilities.
The next day we went to Flinders University and visited the Assessment Centre, which identifies students strengths, readiness for University, as well as the process to gain a University placement based on their assessment and SACE completion (without an ATAR). In the afternoon, we travelled to the Tonsely TAFE SA Campus for an information session around the building and construction trade industry. We finished the camp with a meal at the Lockleys Hotel and some fun at the West Beach Climb and West Lakes Shopping Centre on the last day, before returning to school in the afternoon.
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