2019 Sports Day

What a magnificent day Friday was to hold the 2019 CYS sports day. It was great to see the colour, excitement and friendly rivalry between the Eagles and the Sharks and the day proved to be one of great competition and fun for all involved.

Thank you!

A huge thankyou to all the CYS staff who helped out on the day getting in early and setting up, staying later to pack up and running events throughout the day.
A huge thankyou also to all of the parents/caregivers, family and friends who gave up their time to help supervise events or help in other areas for the day.
A further thanks to Sam Holmes, Vic Johns, Janine Burrows, Wendy Short and Tiana Short who all helped with events before sports day and were there early to help set up timing equipment etc. Events such as this can not run as smoothly as it has without the community support we receive and it is very much appreciated.


You may have also noticed the fantastic looking new ribbons that students were receiving this year. Special thanks to Kerry Baker from ‘Just Ribbons and Rosettes’ for the generous donation of this years ribbons.


We now look forward to the Interschool competitions coming up soon. The Secondary Interschool is at Kadina while the Primary Interschool is at Minlaton. Teams for these competitions will be released shortly.

Jason Clifford | Sports Coordinator