CYS staff and students were an integral part of this year’s Anzac Dawn Service held at the Maitland war memorial, with music students performing with the YP Concert Band, the SRC and Prefects presenting Anzac donations, and SRC Deputy Head Prefect Sophie Baker delivering a presentation at the breakfast.
The YP Band included students from across the Yorke Peninsula with families travelling from as far afield as Warooka. The band, under the baton of conductor Debbie Schwartz played 1940’s themed songs before the service began, the hymns during the service and further music as the crowd departed. ‘The Last post’ was performed by band captain Kira Davies and in a change from other years, students Indy Thier and serenity Gorden provided vocals for the songs and hymns.
Wellbeing Coordinator Jaynelle Le Feurve organised our smartly dressed SRC representatives and prefects who carried book donations to lay in lieu of wreathes. This year the books featured a special frontispiece created by Year 9 student Kuliah Power. The books will be on display in the Community Library.
Deputy Head Prefect Sophie Baker spoke at the special breakfast that was held in the Football Clubrooms after the service. She wore her Premiers’ Anzac Spirt top and talked about her Anzac research and her trip to Vietnam in 2019.
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