Incy Wincy Wargul

The R-2 class at the Point Pearce Campus really enjoyed performing ‘Incy Wincy Wargul’ at the opening of the NAIDOC Celebrations and certainly did themselves proud singing in front of so many people!

Healthy Picnic Day

Flinders University also invited us to the Health Picnic Day where we learnt all about the benefits of healthy eating, exercise and getting a good night’s sleep.
The students all got very creative making healthy fruit skewers.

Book Week

Book Week was another great event with lots of activities around “Finding Your Treasure”. We talked about our most treasured books and also the people in our lives that we treasure.  There was also plenty of pirate themed activities that saw us digging for buried treasures and creating our own Pirate Board Games.  The students loved presenting their games at the Book Week assembly at Maitland and we had our own Book Week Parade at Point Pearce.

Building Resilience

This term we have been focusing on building resilience and we have become a ‘bucket filling’ classroom.  This means we fill each other’s buckets by performing acts of kindness throughout the day.
It has been great to see so many examples of students helping others and making each other feel good.

Literacy Focus

Our literacy focus has been on procedural texts and we have looked at many different recipes which we have then cooked in the kitchen.  Cooking is a great way to consolidate number knowledge, talk about fractions and learn about measurement. It is also great fun!

Kath Magarey | Point Pearce R-2