Welcome back to all Point Pearce Campus students and families for 2019.
R-2 Class Update
In the R-2 Class we are very pleased to have Miss Kath back here as a permanent teacher. We look forward to her working with our children again.  Miss Linda and Miss Ros will be providing classroom support in there as well. Kylie Velder is a pre-service teacher who will be working in this class for the whole of Term 1 as part of her practical component. We welcome her and her skills into this class. The R-2 students will continue to travel up to Maitland Campus every Friday to work with the other R-2 students of CYS. This works out well with lots of whole school events happening on Fridays. Miss Kath will be hosting an Open Classroom for parents and family members to attend sometime within the first three weeks. This is to share her classroom rules and expectations, timetables and the curriculum being covered by students. A date will be out later. A reminder that all students are required to be in school uniform and wearing hats when outside.
Early Years Preschool Update
Miss Rachel is once again our Kindy teacher this year, which is fantastic for continuity. Rachel will also spend Thursdays at the Maitland Kindy which provides us with a stronger link across both of our sites. Miss Jacki, Lisa, Sarah and Auntie Charlotte will continue to support Rachel in the pre-school world. Because of the success last year, we will continue to hold Kindy on alternate even Mondays, each Tuesday, and each Wednesday; with Occasional Care on Thursdays and Playgroup on Fridays. Regular reviews will be held regarding children attendance at these sessions, resulting in session times and days changing. Families are welcome to meet and talk with any staff when they drop off or pick their children up. Please let the school know if there are changes to people picking up children or if you are running a little late. Please keep the Term 1 Planner somewhere safe to refer to. It has lots of important dates and events on it. Please don’t hesitate to contact the Point Pearce Campus if you have any issues or questions.