As first term draws to a close and we reach the quarter way of mark of the school year, it is time look back on what we have achieved this term.
In the first eleven weeks we have caught up with old friends and made new friends. We have found new rooms and teachers, swum in our pool and sweltered in the heat. We have jumped, run, thrown and cheered at sports day. Often we have treated others how we would like to be treated. We have read, written, solved problem, experimented, investigated and more!
This term there have been some great achievements for teaching and learning this term. Some of these include:
- Upgrade of learning spaces and the staff room.
- Formative assessment has been the driver of our teaching and learning.
- The Early Learning Centre has reached capacity, which means we may be transitioning to a full time service in Term 3.
- Site visits from the Adelaide Crows mens and women’s team and the indigenous
- All-Stars side visited Point Pearce.
- Problem Based Learning has driven the learning in our middle school culminating with an Expo of student work.
- Increased student involvement in sports including SAPSASA swimming.
- Students are being involved in their learning through feedback and reciprocal teaching.
And the list keeps going on!