SRC Training Day

On May 20th, CYS Student Representative Council members got together for a training and planning day. In the morning before recces we did some fun bonding activities as we got to know each other a bit more. After recess we spilt into two groups the Primary SRC members and the Secondary SRC members to brainstorm some ideas around improving our school.

Primary ideas

The primary SRC members had some great ideas. Some of these included:

  • A drinking fountain at the PAC
  • More bins (red and blue) particularly around the new adventure play area and the front playground
  • Footy goals to be put up again and hockey goals on the primary oval in summer so more kids can build an interest in hockey and soccer.
  • Sports equipment packs in each classroom for use at recess and lunch.

Secondary ideas

The ideas from the secondary SRC members included:

  • Year 12 handprints displayed in the rec centre to commemorate students who have completed study at CYS
  • Adding further appeal to the look of the school (Paint existing lockers and improve the secondary hangout space)
  • Improve the use of the brain gym and remaining squash court and create a lunch roster for the gym.

We then got onto planning for some of these ideas. The Primary SRC members focused on getting pricing and ideas on the classroom sports equipment packs and the Secondary SRC members went out into the secondary space to create visions of how they would like it to look. We then shared a delicious lunch from Café Capellas and once again took the time to get to know each other while we ate.

Classroom observations

In the afternoon Miss Vince discussed classroom observations and we brainstormed how we might better record the information and feedback we give to teachers.  We then made a start on our student videos where we recorded students talking about their learning and how they learn best. We hope that these videos will be shown to staff on their Pupil Free Day later this term.
This was a great experience for both secondary and primary SRC members to learn a bit more about each other but also to have the time to make some clear directions for the year to improve our school.

Zoey Schulte | SRC member