The CY Football Academy is a football based education program for male and female students completing Years 10, 11 and 12 in 2022. Applicants must demonstrate both an engagement in their schooling, and a keen interest in the development of their football abilities.

Successful applicants will attend Central Yorke School one day a week throughout the year where they will be provided with SACE subjects covering topics such as Nutrition, Game Preparation and Recovery, Skill Development and Career Pathway Development. VET options and specialised programs in Coaching, Umpiring and Sports Trainer will be an integral part of this program as they provide students with a holistic view of the football industry.

Any students interested in applying for a position in the 2020 team should contact Central Yorke School 8832 2613 for more information and application forms.

Cy Football Academy News

Crows Cup 9-a-Side

On Wednesday October 27, some Year 5, 6 and 7 students travelled to the Maitland Town Oval to play in …...

CYFA Vs MLS Football

On May 19, Central Yorke Footy Academy played against Maitland Lutheran School at Maitland Town Oval. CYFA started the game …...

CYFA Henley High Visit

On Monday the 26th of October, the Central Yorke Football Academy travelled to Adelaide for an overnight camp to play …...

9-a-side Football

The Year 8/9 nine-a-side football competition was held at Maitland on Wednesday the 9th of September in a slightly modified …...

Open Girls Football

As part of the Central Yorke Football Academy the girls took part in the School Sport SA Statewide Football competition. …...