On Thursday 13th of February, Michelle Nielsen a clinical educator from the Pelvic Pain Foundation of Australia held a PPEP Talk at Central Yorke School for the Year 9 and 10 female students.
PPEP stands for Periods, Pain and Endometriosis Program and is an initiative of the Pelvic Pain Foundation, funded jointly by the SA Department for Education, SA Health and the Commonwealth Department of Health.
This health and wellbeing education program is an Australian first and has been developed by medical and education professionals. The program educates students about endometriosis and pelvic pain to raise awareness and promote early diagnosis and support for those affected.
The PPEP Talk was a positive and interactive session which was well received and engaging for the students. The school was presented with a resource book titled, ‘Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain” written by the creator of the program, Dr Susan Evans. This book is available for borrowing through the library. If you would like further information about PPEP please visit: