SAATSA Morning Tea

Stage 2 SAASTA students had to collaborate to organise a Community morning tea to celebrate their success in SAASTA. Students identified their individual role and responsibility and began planning the morning tea.
Students had to consider the location, number of guests, catering, equipment, and photographer. Students invited special guests from Kadina Memorial School, Moonta Area School and Central Yorke School. They were able to interact with invited community members to celebrate their school year. They organised for some delicious traditional food to be prepared by Ian Harradine. All of the students and invited guest were able to taste the Kangaroo Tail, Wombat and Fish. Students demonstrated sustained and productive collaboration with others. They also gave evidence of sophisticated and perceptive communication of ideas and informed opinions.
Each student created a photographic story board with annotated notes that displayed their collaboration with others and individual role in organising a community morning tea.