2021 Music Opportunities

Central Yorke School has a long tradition of providing high quality music programs at all year levels with equitable access for all who wish to be involved. In 2021, as we embrace the new ‘Covid-Normal’, we hope to continue and expand that tradition and (fingers crossed!) will also be able to showcase our students’ skills and talents both at school and in the local community.

2021 music programs include:

R-6 Classroom Music

Delivered as part of the Performing Arts (music and drama) program.
(Tim Tuck)

Festival Choir

This long running program is timetabled for years 4-7 students on Wednesday mornings from 10-11am. The choir will perform at the Adelaide Festival of Music in Term 3.
(Debbie Schwartz)

Instrumental music tuition

Students from years 5-12 have the opportunity to learn a band instrument in small-group tuition. Instruments include flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet and trombone. Instrumental tuition is free and students without their own instruments may hire them through the school. (Debbie Schwartz)

Middle School Band

Middle School Band is offered as an elective choice for students in years 7 through 9. (Tim Tuck)

Senior Concert Band

The YP Combined Schools Concert Band meets each Wednesday after school in the PAC for rehearsals from 3.30 to 5pm. The band draws musicians from schools across the Yorke Peninsula and performs at community events throughout the year. (Debbie Schwartz & Tim Tuck)

Senior Vocal Ensemble

The Senior Vocal Ensemble is open to vocalists in Years 7-12. This year the ensemble will include students from other schools and will rehearse after concert band on Wednesdays from 5pm to 5.30pm. (Debbie Schwartz)

Students interested in being part of any of the music programs can register their interest with Mr Tuck, Mrs Schwartz, or their class teacher.

Music Captain Applications

Applications for Music Captains are now open. Written expressions of interest need to be to Mr Tuck or Mrs Schwartz by the end of Week 2. Positions include:

  • Festival Choir (6-7)
  • Vocal ensemble (9-12)
  • Concert band (10-12)