5/6 Learning Together

The past few weeks have been busy and productive ones in the 5/6 class with Miss Kate Muir joining us for her final teaching practicum, exciting Science Week and Book Week activities as well as a footy clinic with the CYS Football Academy.

Pre-service teacher

For the final five weeks of this term we are lucky to have Miss Kate Muir from Uni SA teaching in our class on her final teaching practicum. Kate may have a familiar face – she has been at our school on a previous placement and is a Yorke Peninsula local.

The students have loved getting to know her and she has quickly built some fantastic relationships with the students. Kate will be teaching a variety of subjects including Maths, English and PE. Kate has already shown great initiative and potential in our classroom.

Science Week

Science week saw us join forces with our Point Pearce buddies to construct boats from a range of materials. The class used materials including foil, straws, bottle caps and sticky tape to construct a boat that could hold some weight.

Once everyone had constructed their boat we had a competition to see which boat could hold the most weight. Isis, Izac, Shannon and Telicia won the competition – there boat held a whopping 600 MAB blocks before it dramatically sunk to the bottom of the ocean (container filled with water). Thanks to Kira, Elizabeth and Zoey for their great leadership.

Book Week

For Book Week we worked with Sonya to do a re-telling of the Dreaming Story ‘Buthera’s Rock’. We learnt some Nharangga language for significant people, places and things that are mentioned in the story. We created posters to depict these people places and things and included the English name and the Nharangga name. At our book week celebration Sonya read the story and we held up our posters when they were mentioned in the story.

Footy Clinic

In week 6 we were lucky to be invited to a clinic ran by the CYS Football Academy. Each group went to two different stations where they developed and practiced certain skills and then put them into practice in a small game. The class had a fantastic time being outside and active and enjoyed learning new skills. I was very impressed with the coaching and leadership skills displayed by our Footy Academy students.