This term the Enterprise Skills elective class have been developing their small businesses and producing items to sell at the Maitland Markets.
We had to decide on a product we wanted to make, create a business plan and design a logo. We also had to work out how much it cost to make our items and decide on a selling price that would make us a small profit.
After weeks of planning and production, we were ready to take our items to the Markets.
On Thursday April 7th, we packed up our products and headed down to the Maitland Markets. When we got there, we set up all our products. Mrs Harper told us we had unfortunately just missed the morning tea rush, but we didn’t have to wait long until we had our first customer.
Shortly after Ben Allen was the first to have all his brownies sold out. Pearl and Elouise’s slices were also popular and were sold out in a short time too. After waiting a bit longer, everyone had made their first sale.
We appreciate the support shown to us by the community members who visited the markets and we made $117 of sales for the day. We would also like to give a big thank you to Mrs Davies for organizing this experience for us.
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