Governor’s Civics Award

Central Yorke School students Rhys and Sophie Heinrich attended Government House in Adelaide on Thursday May 12 to receive their awards as winners of the Governor’s Civics Award for Schools.

Presenting the awards via a Covid isolation television link was the Governor, Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC.

In her speech she congratulated the twelve public and private secondary school recipients and encouraged other young people to ‘get involved in this year’s award program’ and ‘help society change for the better.’

Rhys and Sophie also met Premier Peter Malinauskas and chatted with Emily Bourke (MLC), a Maitland Area School old-scholar.

The awards aim to develop ‘student awareness and skills as active and informed citizens in a multicultural and democratic society’, is open to students from Years 5 to 12, and includes entries for Individual, Group and School categories.