Uncle Dookie Visit
This week, the students at Point Pearce Aboriginal Campus were treated to a visit by Uncle Dookie- Kevin O’Loughlin, a …...
Premier’s Anzac Spirt Award
We congratulate Annabel Geater-Johnson on winning the prestigious Premier’s Anzac Spirit Award for her research on Phillip Ignatius Callary, an …...
9 HASS | Rubbish Survey
The Year 9 class have been working on an assessment task in HASS to record how much waste we generate …...
Zoo Snooze 2022
The R-2 students headed to Adelaide on Thursday December 8 for an overnight camp at the Adelaide Zoo. Students explored …...
Governor’s Civics Award
I would also like to congratulate Rhys and Sophie Heinrich on being presented with their Governor’s Civics Award and medallion …...