Making Connections

The Point Pearce R-2 Class has been integrating storytime, Maths and Science in our afternoon sessions making connections across subjects …...

Healthy Eating

At Central Yorke School we recognise the importance of healthy eating in supporting children and teens to grow and learn. …...

Puyu Busters

The Puyu Busters team led by Tim Lawrence, visited CYS on May 8 and shared current statistics, resources and stories …...

Point Pearce News

Term 4 is shaping up to be a very busy one. In Week 7 and 8 the Preschool students will …...

Stage 1 Nutrition Super Foods

On Friday May 14 , the Year 11 Nutrition class cooked three meals containing a variety of superfoods. Prior to …...

Learning Hub Garden to Plate

Over the course of the term the Learning Hub Garden-to-Plate students have enjoyed participating in a variety of cooking and …...

Point Pearce Update

The term so far has been a busy one. It has been filled with a lot of fantastic activities such …...

Year 7-9 electives program

Our school’s mission is to provide a safe and inspiring environment that allows for quality education for all our students. …...

Zucchini Slice

Point Pearce students Akheela and Andrew followed recipe instructions to whip up a tasty (and very healthy) zucchini slice...

Point Pearce News – Week 3

We’ve had a big start to 2021! First of all, I’d like to welcome some new staff members to the …...