2/3 STEM | Fossil Casts

The 2/3 students have been learning about fossils in STEM. We created our own fossil casts by filling fossil shaped …...

5/6 Science – Energy

Last week in Miss Smart’s 5/6 class, students continued with their energy experiments where they looked into thermal (heat) energy. …...

R-1 STEM | Transparency Toys

The JP STEM students are investigating transparent, translucent and opaque materials. This week we made Halloween and underwater scenes by …...

Stage 1 & 2 Nutrition Aquaponics Excursion

The Stage 1 and Stage 2 Nutrition classes include several students from Ardrossan Area School. To help these students and …...

Point Pearce Campus Update

Science this term has been investigated and celebrated by the Junior Primary class and the Kindy as well as the …...

6/7 Science | Rube Goldberg Machines

Wikipedia defines a Rube Goldberg Machine (named after American cartoonist Rube Goldberg), as a chain reaction–type machine or contraption intentionally …...

Special Person’s Day

The Junior Primary students together with the Kindy and Occasional Care children invited the ‘special people’ in their lives to …...

4/5 Science | Shadow Puppets

The Year 4/5’s have been investigating the properties of light in Science lessons and created their own shadow puppet shows. …...

Zoo Snooze 2022

The R-2 students headed to Adelaide on Thursday December 8 for an overnight camp at the Adelaide Zoo. Students explored …...

Illawonga Camp 2022

The 2022 Illawonga Camp was a on a literal dark-cloud as rising floodwaters from upriver threatened some of the camp’s …...