The Point Pearce staff and children have settled in extremely well to the 2019 school year. The attendance level in the R-2 Class is above 90% and in the Pre-School near to 80%. This indicates to us that we are providing meaningful, enjoyable programmes for our children, and that families are supporting their children in getting them to school and kindy.
R-2 Swimming Programme
Our R-2 Class has been involved in the CYS Swimming Programme over the past two weeks and have all shown improvements in their confidence and skills in the water.
Thanks to all the instructors and staff who support this programme. Water Safety and swimming are very important skillsets to have for everyone. Our children love these sessions.
R-2 Transition to Maitland Campus
Transition has started well this year with our 11 students visiting the Maitland Campus on Fridays. They have a lesson in the Library first, and then go into their age appropriate classes. They also attend Assemblies when they are held. It is a great way for our children to mix with other children their own age, and become familiar with the facilities, staff and layout of the Maitland Campus.
Review of our Pre-School Philosophy
This week Pre-School staff looked at reviewing our Philosophy. This is a document which reflects the values and beliefs of our Pre-School site here at Point Pearce.
This is reviewed on an annual basis and requires consultation from families and community members as well. A copy of this will be sent home to families to have a look at and suggest any changes they believe could or should occur.
Point Pearce Aboriginal Corporation (PPAC) Invite
I was recently invited to attend the latest PPAC Meeting to share CYS School information with the committee.  It was a great way to share what is going on across our sites, and also receive feedback from the Community about a range of matters relating to our children.  We all agreed that this would be a great thing to continue throughout the year.
Indigenous Footballers Visit.
Next Tuesday (Feb. 19th), there will be a large group of Indigenous AFL footballers visiting our community. They will be running some skills sessions with children. They also ask anyone to bring along items to get autographed by them. Some students from Maitland Campus will be attending as well. It should be a great morning for all AFL fans!