We are extremely excited to have SAASTA lessons back up and running at CYS campus this week. We are still missing our Point Pearce students but have been able to connect with them through Zoom Video Conferencing.
Students are still working hard to achieve all of their KPI’s which involve them to:
- Achieve academic success in all curriculum areas including non-SAASTA subjects
- Maintain a strong attendance rate (minimum 90%) at the academy & mainstream classes
- Adhere to the school Behaviour Management Code
- Show a high standard of team work and actively participate in all aspects of SAASTA, including practical lessons (unless providing a signed note of illness/injury)
- Represent SAASTA at school, in the community and at events/competitions in a positive manner
- Show a high standard of respect and courtesy toward ALL staff, students, community members, coaches and visitors.
- Conduct yourself with a high standard of sportsmanship in all aspects of practice and competition
- Wear the SAASTA uniform with pride and with a high manner of respect for the brand
Stage 2 students are currently working hard on their 4 Week Fitness Programs, whilst the Stage 1 students are demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal narratives by writing an article, speech, blog or creative style of literature.
All students were able to measure their heart rate and Borg exertion rate in this week’s fitness session which allowed our Stage 2 students to record results for their assignment.
We are all looking forward to a successful term ahead.
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