Knockout Tennis

On Thursday the 28th of October we travelled to Clare to play knockout tennis. Before we left Maitland we were hit with thunder storms and hail but as soon as we got to Clare, there was nothing but sunshine. We played tennis against three different teams: Maitland Lutheran, St Josephs Clare and Cobdogla. Each player participated in a doubles and a singles match against each team.
Round one saw us come up against familiar rivals from MLS. Summer managed to play a ripper singles set and came away with a win, but it wasn’t enough for the team to win: CYS – 1, MLS – 5. In round two we faced Cobdogla. Some great sportsmanship was shown from both teams, but they were too strong: CYS – 0, Cobdogla – 6. In round three the heat really started to crank up a notch. With the CYS girls accustomed to the hail storms we were witnessing in Maitland, it was just too much. CYS – 0, St Josephs – 6.