The Steers Arrive
The senior Ag. students welcomed our Murray Grey, Lord Mac Ashvell from Amy Nankivell a month ago. Duke Bronny Bayview our Shorthorn has come from Chris Thompson. Thank you to our breeders who have joined the CYS Ag. Team again.
Ag Block Seeding
A big thank you to our dedicated volunteer, Sam Johns who seeded the Ag Block with 12 hectares of barley. With the recent rains, all has germinated well along with the pasture paddocks sown by David Ramsey. The pasture paddocks will finish off our 3 crossbred steers and lambs. The barley crop will provide the resources for senior students to complete their Soil and Crop trials.
Pig Production
The Year 10 class have started their Pig Production unit which involves weekly weigh ins of the piglets provided by Bob Foster, making feed ration and enjoying the cute pigs before they get too big.
Garden to Plate
The Ag program – Garden to Plate reaches out to Primary students and is led by a number of staff. The students and staff have been busy in the garden beds by weeding, rejuvenating the soil and planting seedlings. Some garden beds have been worked for a number of months so the dwarf beans, rhubarb and mandarins have been used in a variety of activities.
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