Mrs Daniell | R/1 Teaching Placement

The R/1 Webb class were lucky enough to welcome Mrs Daniell at the beginning of Term 3 as she completed her fourth-year teaching placement. Mrs Daniell taught the class new sounds and reading strategies in Literacy, the features of our ears and sounds in Science and all about people we can trust in Health. What we have liked about having Mrs Daniell in our class:

  • Making the Trust tree with popsticks
  • Listening to her read books.
  • We liked asking Mrs Daniell questions about her baby.
  • Playing ‘Go Fish’ and ‘Uno’ with her.
  • We liked when she helped us do our work.

R/1 Webb have thoroughly enjoyed having Mrs Daniell and we wish her all the best for her teaching career.

Categories: Campus, News, Primary R-6