SAASTA Aboriginal Power Cup

On June 5, the Stage 1 and 2 SAASTA students headed to Adelaide for the Aboriginal Power Cup. We took 17 students in total which allowed us to play 8 boys and 9 girls in the competition.

Student Opportunities

This event give students the opportunity to compete in a nine-a-side football competition against rural and metro schools, attend the Adelaide Careers Exposition, be part of a Motor Accident Commission commercial and perform in a cultural dance on Adelaide Oval.

The cultural dance encouraged students to feel proud and a part of the larger community. Watching them perform with 350 other indigenous students on Adelaide Oval was amazing.

Excellent Results

CYS boys and girls teams won 4 out of 10 football games and were successful in making it to the Grand Final which meant playing on Adelaide Oval before the Richmond and Port Adelaide game.
Teams are chosen based on attendance, behaviour and quality of work. The students were full of excitement and enthusiasm as we arrived at Adelaide Oval and got to use the Australian Cricket change rooms to prepare for the game.

Standing on Adelaide Oval, looking around at the desperate fans barging in to find a seat made the students feel nervous yet excited to have a crowd watching them.

The girls played a fantastic game and won the Power Cup and the boys came runners up.