On Tuesday 5th of November the Elc children and educators travelled to Ardrossan to participate in Gym Jams. The opportunity for children to access Gym Jams supports children to develop their physical skills, dispositions for learning and their sense of wellbeing. More specifically children have the opportunity to develop their….
- Gross motor skills – running, jumping, hopping, climbing, balance.
- Spatial awareness, being able to navigate themselves safely.
- Ability to make choices and assess risk.
- Ability to keep themselves and others safe.
- Trust, confidence, persistence and resilience.
- Perseverance and experience satisfaction of achievement.
Gym Jams also provides the opportunity for community engagement by exploring the local community and engagement in Services which support them in their learning and development.
Finally we would like to thank Mr Moore for driving the bus, CYP Gym Jams, Ardrossan and Districts Kindergarten for hosting us for lunch and last but not least to the parent volunteers who supported on our excursion. Without their support we would not be able to provide these valuable opportunities to the children.