11/12 Subject Choices

It’s a busy time of year in the secondary school as Year 12s prepare to finish their course work, complete external assessments and study for exams. The next 6 weeks or so are full of pressure, stress and excitement as the hard work from all the years of school reaches its climax.

It is also the time of year when next year’s year 11 and 12 students start to make choices regarding the subjects they wish to study and the pathways they want to follow. The next few weeks see a range of activities taking place with a new approach being taken to SACE information and subject selections. The process this year will be very different from the traditional SACE information nights and subject selection meetings.

Online information

This year a Canvas course has been created so students and their families have access to a range of information and videos covering the SACE requirements and options that Central Yorke School offer across Years 11 and 12. Individual pages for each subject being offered for face to face teaching in 2021 have information on course content, assessment requirements and the potential future pathways for students who chose to study them. This course will open this week, and I encourage families to spend some time with their children looking through this information to help guide their preliminary subject choices.


On Thursday Week 8 we will be holding a student information expo where all subjects being offered for years 11 and 12 in 2021 will be running ‘taster sessions’ to allow students the opportunity to experience how these subjects are delivered. Students will be able to choose which information sessions they attend and will be able to speak with teacher to clarify their understandings of what each subject has to offer. The hard sciences of Chemistry, Biology and Nutrition will have a separate session on Wednesday as they are run in conjunction with another school.

In Week 9 family meetings will occur for students to start selecting their subjects for 2021. More information will be coming home with students including times for meetings, if the times allocated are not convenient alternate times can be arranged.
I look forward to spending time with students and their families to start looking at their SACE pathways, if you have any questions regarding the process, the SACE or how we deliver subjects at CYS please contact me at the school either by email or on the school phone number.