SACE Information Night

This year’s SACE information night will be run in week six of this term. There will be two information sessions this year, as students completing Year 12 require different information to those starting their SACE years in Years 10 and 11. Everyone is welcome to attend both sessions if they wish.   

Year 10/11 (2019)

Monday 27th August at 6pm

This session will provide information related to the SACE and the pathways students can use to successfully meet its requirements.

The focus will be on providing parents with an understanding of the different options students have and how they can tailor their program to best suit their interests.

Subject teachers can be contacted to discuss their subjects and provide information on how they fit into a SACE pattern.

Year 12 (2019)

 Wednesday 29th August at 6pm

This session will have a slightly different focus. Year 12 is an important year in a student’s education.

It is important that this year is approached strategically by students and that parents are aware of the differences between Stage 1 and Stage 2. It is also important that parents are aware of the support Central Yorke School offers and ways that families can also support their children to succeed at this level of study. 

Subject teachers can be contacted to discuss their subjects and provide information on how they fit into a SACE pattern and post school pathway. 

Subject Counselling

Subject counselling will be completed in the weeks following these information sessions.

The new counselling process will be explained at the information sessions and there will be an opportunity for families to make appointments to take part in subject selection meetings.