Year 9/10 Aquatics Camp

On February 18/19, the year 9/10 students attended the annual aquatics camp at Port Vincent.

The students had the opportunity to windsurf, kayak, knee-board and sail, along with learning some essential life saving tips while on the water.
Back at the Tuckerway hostel where we stayed, the students were in charge of preparing, cooking and cleaning. Considering there was no case of salmonella poisoning, it’s safe to say that all students involved did an awesome job!

It was clearly evident that the students had an instructive and enjoyable time whilst continuing to develop strong relationships across the year levels.
I would like to thank the Port Vincent Aquatics team and Tuckerway Hostel for their involvement in the camp.

Special thanks also goes to teachers Jason Clifford and Lauren Smith for their individual contributions in organising and allowing the camp to run smoothly and efficiently.

What a way to kick off 2019!

Luke Trenorden | PE