On June 20, Annabel and I travelled to Adelaide to attend our second forum as the 2021 Rural Youth Ambassadors. Being an ambassador this year, means that Annabel and I can further develop our leadership skills, collaborate with other rural students and have a voice on behalf of the other rural students in South Australia.
We met with the other Ambassadors and discussed the main issues that students at rural schools face each day.
We brainstormed ways to increase student attendance, give students the opportunity to complete subjects that they wish to and work with other schools.
We spent Monday however, planning, discussing and brainstorming what we would present at the South Australian Area School Leaders conference.
We were also invited to the 3-course dinner at Adelaide Oval with the leaders and principals that night.
On Tuesday morning Annabel and I presented at the conference and had a meeting with the Chief Executive of Education Rick Persse.
Overall, it was a great experience to meet important people at a very high level in the Education department and work with other ambassadors to make a difference to our rural schools.