SAASTA Aboriginal Careers Exploration Week

In Week 5 of this term, the Year 10 SAASTA students travelled to Adelaide for the week to involve themselves in the ACE program – Aboriginal Careers Exploration. Prior to this event, the students were required to complete a career choices survey that would identify areas of interest. Following from their responses, they were placed in groups with other students having the same industry interest area. Choices saw our SAASTA students involved in Health Support, Hair and Beauty, Screen/Media/Gaming/Cyber and Trades.

Living in Adelaide

Students were accommodated at Regency International House, where enjoyable meals were provided as well as single room sleeping arrangements, within apartments of 4 rooms. This allowed our students to socialize with other SAASTA students from across South Australian regional academies.
On arrival in Adelaide on Monday, students ventured to Lights Community and Sports Centre, where they were involved in an Aboriginal Excellence Panel – a group of successful Aboriginal business people spoke to them about their business journey and answered questions previously created by the students. During the day, there were opportunities to undertake basket weaving and modern ceramic art.

Exploring Careers

Tuesday to Friday were spent visiting various centres that offered information and training in the student’s associated industry area. The Health Support people experienced physiotherapy, midwifery, First Aid training, nursing, aged care – all a mixture of theory and practical skills. In the hair and beauty group, the students spent time in a salon where they saw hairdressing techniques, beauty treatments and nails, as well as some fashion designing. In Screen/Media, the students visited the facilities at Flinders University, the Space Discover Centre, learnt about Cyber Security and produced their own mini films. The Trades group had a practical approach to a variety of trades and were given building/construction challenges in electrical wiring, plumbing, refrigeration, carpentry, plastering, paving and brick work.

Evenings off

Evenings were a time to relax and the students competed in a game of 10 pin bowling, were challenged in Laser Tag and tested their skills at Mini golf.


Congratulations to Brondan Burgess and Kalvyn Karpany who were selected as speakers for recording their thoughts on the week’s activities. Their interviews will appear on the DECD/Workabout websites. The Workabout Centre is the main supporter of Career Exploration for the SAASTA students.

Back home

Following an enjoyable buffet luncheon, the students said farewell to old and new friends and headed home tired and exhausted but with plenty of career pathway ideas for their future consideration